Fall Protection Safety Specialists

When it comes to the important things, like health and safety, you want someone with the knowledge and expertise to help cut through the sales and marketing noise and gain clarity around what is most productive. 

There are a lot of companies out there that manufacture fall protection equipment. At first glance, it may appear they are fairly equal in terms of the products they sell. But when you do a deeper dive, how many are focused on the bigger picture and the many factors necessary to ensure a safer work environment? Topping the lists are:

  • The right equipment
  • Proper training
  • Regular maintenance

Having developed solutions for truck, rail, and marine applications around the world, Sam Carbis Solutions Group has encountered every challenge imaginable. Through our experience, we have learned to quickly assess what is important and identify the most effective solution for a company’s individual situation.

The Best Solution

saftey-harnessThe firm asked Sam Carbis Solutions Group to develop the loading arm, but our specialists had reservations about the design. We created a replica and invited the design team to our factory so they could visualize how it would operate in reality. An arm of this size, when loaded with product, would weigh around 3,000 pounds. After seeing our demo in action, they understood how difficult it would be to position the arm as originally designed.

We recommended powering the arm to make it easier to operate; this added cost, but provided a more workable solution. By consulting with Sam Carbis Solutions Group, they were able to get the new facility up and running on time, avoid negatively impacting their ROI, and ensure a safer work environment.

Sam Carbis Solutions Group understands that each situation is totally unique and commits the time and resources needed to arrive at the right solution. Another recent project involved helping an agricultural company—with dozens of varying-sized facilities across the U.S.—solve their fall protection challenges to elevate worker safety.

The company wanted a partner that could implement a systematic approach, utilizing similar equipment where possible, while considering the uniqueness of each site. Sam Carbis Solutions Group visited, and surveyed a representative sampling of the company’s facilities to better understand its challenges and opportunities. During discussions with senior management, we were asked why a competitor, who had visited a few sites, had already told them what equipment to buy, whereas Sam Carbis Solutions Group had yet to make a recommendation.

Taking Time to Do it Right

We explained that our goal is not simply to sell equipment, but to provide a productive, cost-effective solution that provides better fall protection and increases throughput. Because we invest more time up front, we gain a better understanding of what a customer wants to accomplish—and successfully meet those needs due to our thoughtful, comprehensive process.

By partnering with Sam Carbis Solutions Group, these companies were able to implement highly effective fall protection programs that achieved their safety and budget goals. Our years of experience can help you avoid pitfalls, delays, and unnecessary expenditures on your next project. You know what you want, let us help you get what you need.

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