
Showing posts from January, 2024

Engaging Employees In Safety Training

  How to Design an Industrial Safety Training Program That Works   An effective safety training program shows your employees they are of paramount importance to you. Engaging them in learning will help ensure they retain all the safety information that will keep them protected. Capturing worker feedback during the process of identifying training needs, designing materials, and choosing delivery methods can provide important insights. You can do this in various ways: Identifying Training Needs To create an effective safety training program, it's vital that employees know exactly what they must learn to perform their jobs safely. For maximum effectiveness, this process should involve both workers and managers so that all aspects of the workplace are covered. If your workplace contains potentially hazardous chemicals like hydrogen sulfide, you may require employees to undergo training on how to recognize and report such substances as well as how best to store and dispose o

A Green New World

Renewable Energy is Powering the Future   Renewable energy prices are rapidly declining and, in many instances, are now cheaper than oil, gas or coal. Private investment has surged into companies creating green technologies. These new technologies harnessing the infinite power of sunlight, wind, water and earth heat can produce considerable savings in terms of energy use and emissions, increased independence from fossil fuels and more jobs. Solar Solar energy uses sunlight and heat from the Sun as fuel for electricity production using various technologies. Two such approaches include photovoltaic (PV) devices which convert direct sunlight directly into electricity, and concentrated solar power (CSP) plants which focus sunlight onto central towers with mirrors to generate steam for turbines. Both industries have experienced rapid expansion, with costs dropping rapidly to become cost competitive in many markets. Scale economies and innovation are leading them toward becoming th

Safety Measures to Reduce Accidents at Petrochemical Plants

How to Limit Accidents at Petrochemical Plants   Working in the refining and petrochemical industries can be dangerous work environments, with machinery that can burn or cut workers if not properly maintained. Fires and explosions are among the most frequent accidents in petrochemical plants, which makes complying with safety standards paramount to their operation. To safeguard against them, they must abide by applicable legislation on occupational health and safety. Safety Measures for Elevated Workspaces Many workers in the refining and petrochemical industries must use dangerous chemicals, work in tight spaces, lift heavy loads, inspect equipment for any malfunctions or mishandling that could compromise health and safety and regularly clean it to ensure optimal operation. Petrochemical plants often lie in remote locations where emergency services may take longer to arrive or, in the case of a large accident or fire, may not even exist at all. As such, it is essential that

Understanding the Hierarchy of Fall Protection

The Hierarchy of Fall Protection in Layman's Terms   Working at height can be hazardous and requires special equipment. Many governing bodies such as ANSI and OSHA set guidelines and regulations for these jobs, which may increase safety. Elimination (Stay on the Ground) Working at heights is a necessary aspect of many occupations yet can pose unique safety concerns. Therefore, it's vital that workers familiarize themselves with all available forms of fall protection systems and how they can be used to keep operators safe while performing their duties. Both ANSI and OSHA's Hierarchy of Hazard Controls state the initial step should be eliminating falling hazards from work environments - this means changing working environments, so employees aren't exposed to fall hazards to begin with, such as moving machinery onto the ground instead of the roof. While eliminating falls would always be preferable, sometimes this option simply isn't possible or could increase

Designing A Corporate Safety Plan - Where to Begin?

Safety First: How to Design a Corporate Safety Plan   Safety is a top priority for any company. But developing a safety plan requires more than just creating emergency documents and having lots of meetings, a good safety plan is a living document that grows with your company and its needs. Creating a strong safety policy requires thorough job hazard analysis and risk assessment. It also involves a system to onboard new employees and to reward safe behaviors. With a positive reinforcement program, you can encourage everyone to follow the company’s guidelines. Identifying Hazards To create a safety plan, you must first identify all the hazards in your workplace. You can do this by looking at the work environment and talking to workers. Consider each hazard and ask yourself two questions: How likely is the hazard to cause an incident, and how serious would it be if it did occur? Answering these questions will help you prioritize your hazard assessment and determine what contro

Industrial Equipment Maintenance Key to Protecting Empoyees

How Important Is Equipment Maintenance in Terms of Industrial Safety?   Equipment maintenance enables businesses to operate smoothly. It reduces downtime, saves money, and ensures that projects are completed on time. Since small problems can cause big issues, leading to expensive downtime and missed deadlines, detailed equipment checklists help technicians monitor and spot problems early on. Equipment operators who see the machines every day tend to be the best at spotting potential issues. They can bring them to the attention of their managers for timely intervention. Preventative Maintenance From hand tools to power equipment, even small mistakes in maintenance can lead to dangerous situations that could potentially cause a loss of life. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration reports that workplace accidents are linked to inconsistent or inadequate maintenance standards. Putting off equipment maintenance may seem like a good idea at the time, but it wi

Loading Arms for your Truck Loading Needs

Investing in dependable loading arms is worth it if you're serious about your company's safety and reputation. Loading arms are flexible thanks to their swivel joints, but before making your purchase, there are additional things to think about. If you're moving from or to a truck- or rail-transported tank, the first will rely on that. The second consideration is whether you are loading through the top or bottom of the tank. Each arm solution has unique qualities, and some, like as arm systems for loading trucks, need to operate with more accuracy in order to be effective. Some important factors to consider while selecting your loading arm solution are: Loading from the Bottom or the Top The operator's safety is better guaranteed while using a bottom loading arm because they stay on the ground. Quicker couplings result in shorter loading times overall, and the tank experiences less turbulence. Longer arm reach and the ability to reach more apertures are made possib

Safe Loading of Liquid Rail Cars - Best Practices

Best Practices for the Safe Loading of Liquid Rail Cars Statistical analysis shows that 80% of transport-related accidents and incidents occur during loading and unloading operations. This guideline offers best practice advice on loading and unloading from an organizational and behavioral point of view. Drivers that access chemical sites for the purpose of (un)loading must follow site procedures in co-operation with their operators. These can involve working in flammable atmospheres. 1. Loading Procedures It is important to be familiar with all loading procedures and know the weight and pressure restrictions for each type of tank car. This allows the crew to be aware of all necessary precautions to take when loading and unloading. Loading/unloading operations should be attended and monitored by trained personnel or by an approved monitoring system. Do not allow the load/unload operation to stand unattended or unmonitored while connections are being attached. Before a tank car

Your Safety Plan and Fall Rescue Strategy - Important Tools For Worker Safety

There are several professions that do not include the risk of being exposed to hazardous chemicals, heavy machinery, or substantial heights. However, it is vital that appropriate fall protection be put into place for employees who work at heights. OSHA is of the opinion that fall protection strategies are essential because falls are the most common cause of serious injuries and fatalities in the workplace. Fall protection plans are tactics that businesses put into place to maintain workers' safety in potentially dangerous industrial settings. These plans are designed to comply with OSHA rules as well. Fall protection plans identify the areas of concern as well as the appropriate safety equipment and supplies that are required to accomplish the task. This is especially helpful for smaller firms that may not have safety supervisors or the means to employ a safety consultant. On top of the plan, all workers who work on these locations that pose particular risks need to be trained in