
Showing posts from September, 2023

Bottom Loading Arms

Bottom Loading Arm Systems are the ideal solution when it comes to fall prevention. There are plenty of other benefits as well: - Operator remains on the ground avoiding falls. - Connections can be made quickly reducing overall loading time. - Bottom loading fills tanks faster and creates less turbulence in the tank so the danger of generating static electricity is reduced. - Multiple compartments can be loaded simultaneously. - Bottom loading reduces vapors. There are different types of bottom loading arm systems to handle anything from food and water to aggressive chemicals and acids. Unsupported Boom Type Bottom Loader provides flexible long-range operation that’s reliable and easy to use. Five swivel planes of rotation create the flexibility that makes tight connections possible for loading and unloading rail cars and tank trucks. The unsupported boom type loader is quite versatile and is typically installed at or near ground level. Arms of varying lengths can be mounted on stagg

Fall Prevention Checklist

Every workplace has its hazards. When it comes to tanker truck, rail car, aviation and marine environments the hazards have a tendency to be more life threatening than the average office. In order to keep workers safe, OSHA has done a lot of the work for you by setting standards that should be employed in every workplace. Fall prevention is the ideal scenario on any job that requires heights. Fall protection is the second best option. • Evaluate all hazards associated with routine and non-routine tasks. • Whenever possible reschedule, isolate or change a task to make it safer. • Take a look at walking surfaces and surroundings then make improvements by adding non-slip surfaces where needed, ensuring there are no holes in the floor, unprotected sides, wall openings and other fall hazards. • A written fall prevention plan needs to be in place for all employees and they need to read and follow it. • Schedule regular (and mandatory) fall prevention training for employees. • If you m

Diesel Exhaust Fluid Helps To Destroy Harmful Exhaust Emissions For Cleaner Air Quality

Diesel Exhaust Fluid, also referred to as DEF, is a clear, non-flammable liquid made using a solution of 32.5% high-purity urea in 67.5% de-mineralized water. DEF is non-hazardous and is neither a fuel nor a fuel additive. If Diesel Exhaust Fluid comes into contact with skin or clothing, no worries, it can be washed off with water. The urea used in DEF is created synthetically from ammonia and carbon dioxide (CO2) and is often found in products we use every day including cosmetics, hair conditioner, and adhesives. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is used in combination with a Selective Catalytic Reduction system (SCR) to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from a diesel-fueled vehicle’s exhaust system. The DEF is sprayed into the exhaust where it works with the catalyst to break down NOx into nitrogen and water rendering it harmless. In diesel powered vehicles there is a dedicated Diesel Exhaust Fluid tank that is refilled in a similar way to the diesel tank. Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Avoid The Dangers Of Harness Hang Syndrome With Proper Fall Prevention

Fall arrest systems should not be used if at all possible. Try to find a workaround if at all possible by referencing the Hierarchy of Fall Protection — using either fall restraint or fall prevention to perform a job with a higher level of safety. You just might save the life of one of your employees. Many people who work at heights often wear personal protection equipment or PPE, which most likely includes a full body harness. This harness keeps the worker from hitting the ground if a fall occurs but in some instances a worker’s harness could be the very piece of equipment that kills him/her, especially in a case where the worker is knocked unconscious. If a worker falls but remains conscious, he/she can pump their legs to keep the blood flowing throughout the body. However, if unconscious, other workers need to know how to get that person down quickly. And by quickly, we’re talking minutes. If fall arrest systems truly are the only option for the job at hand, then all workers should

The Hierarchy OF Fall Protection

In a perfect world no one would ever fall from great heights and be killed. But as we all know this is not a perfect world and gravity never takes a holiday. If you have people working at heights every day it's possible that they could easily become complacent about safety measures without even realizing it. It's easy to become immune to the dangers involved in the job when things are going smoothly. That's why it's mandatory for your workers' survival to follow the Hierarchy of Fall Protection. Before attempting any task that requires heights, check the Fall Protection Hierarchy, also refe rred to as Z359. It was created by two independent groups, The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), and is designed to keep workers safe on the job.  Elimination or Substitution The ideal solution is Fall Prevention, which eliminates the danger of falling altogether. That may entail finding ways for the worker to do hi

Fall Protection Works

Used properly, fall protection and fall prevention can really make a difference in saving lives on the job. In 2019, that represents 880 workers who would have gone home to their families who instead passed away due to slips, trips, and falls.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) fatal work injuries involving falls decreased 2% in 2010 (from 645 in 2009 to 635 in 2010). Looking back to 2007, fatal falls are down 25% from the 847 that were reported that year. What these statistics prove is that it’s important to identify fall hazards on the job and determine the best way to protect your workers. Even though the number is decreasing, occupational fatalities caused by falls are still a serious public health problem. Any time you have a worker at a height of four feet or more, that worker is at risk of a dangerous fall and needs to be protected. Regardless of the fall distance, fall prevention and protection must be provided when working over dangerous equipment and machiner

Marine Ladders, Towers, and Loading Arms

Increase productivity and fall prevention simultaneously using a variety of fall prevention equipment that can be customized for your specific marine loading and offloading needs. Safety is key when working on ships and barges because of the unique risks inherent in these jobs. Protect your workers by ensuring your marine fall prevention equipment is up to date. Marine Ladders are designed to withstand particularly demanding marine access applications. The marine grade aluminum construction is sturdy enough to help prevent falls even in hazardous conditions. Marine Ladders are lightweight yet they’re exceedingly durable because they resist corrosion from weather, salt water and chemicals. Safety features include: • slip-resistant coating • aluminum angle cleats for traction • open truss construction to reduce weight and wind resistance • some have rollers on the dock side to easily conform to changes in the ship’s float • safety shoes with rubber tread improve ladder’s footing on ma

3 Steps To More Effecting In-House (And OSHA) Compliance

  “Ultimately, the only one responsible for my own safety is me.” – Mike Rowe , Host of CNN’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It Running your facility keeps you busy enough without the increasing number of workplace safety goals mandated from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and your corporate headquarters. In fact, the number of ongoing safety goals can be completely overwhelming, with many of them never really being achieved because of delayed implementation times. These safety goals are often outside of your own control, because of circumstances such as: Corporate standards, which are more stringent than OSHA compliance guidelines, requiring more in-depth safety evaluations and efforts. Corporate sales, acquisitions and mergers, meaning safety compliance is often inconsistent, unaligned and ever-changing, resulting in lots of “catch up” time from every part of the company. Yet, as the above quote from Mike Rowe points out, safety compliance only goes so far in k

Transloading Safely To And From Tanker Trucks

There are several instances in which trucks will be used to carry crude oil and other fuels or fluids to a different location. Tanker trucks usually get oil from storage tanks and take it to a loading terminal to transload the fuel into railcars. Depending on the distance to the refinery or pipeline connection, the tank truck may be able to take the shipment the entire way. However, if the drive will be a long one, it is more cost effective to do things the old-fashioned way and transload the product onto railcars. Tanker trucks extract crude oil or other fluids from the storage tanks located fairly near the wellheads. Then the operator drives the truck to the nearest terminal where a rail spur allows railcars to get into the terminal, be filled, and then get back to the main railway. When the railcars arrive at their next stop it will be another terminal where the reverse actions will take place. This terminal is located near the refinery, and will be equipped for transloading from

Fall Prevention Justification for Tanker Truck Loading Facilities

  Fall prevention at tanker truck loading facilities is of significant importance due to a variety of reasons. Falls are one of the leading causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries in the workplace, especially in industries involving heavy machinery and transportation such as loading facilities. Preventing such incidents should be a priority for all involved, as they can result in severe human, financial, and operational consequences. 1.      Human safety: The most apparent and critical reason is the preservation of human life and health. Falls from height, even relatively small ones, can result in serious injuries or fatalities. These injuries may involve fractures, concussions, or even long-term disability. Preventing falls is a direct way to safeguard the wellbeing of employees. 2.      Regulatory compliance: Regulations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards in the United States require employers to ensure that their workplaces are free from

Flatbed Tarping - What Factors Make it So Dangerous?

 Having a job as a flatbed driver is dangerous for many reasons. Often more harmful than driving accidents, are falls. Falls can cause head, neck and shoulder injuries and even death. Having a job as a flatbed driver is dangerous for many reasons. Often more harmful than driving accidents, are falls. Falls can cause head, neck and shoulder injuries and even death. Drivers need to remember that falls can happen any time, even walking on a flat surface, but a fall from even a four-foot height can cause serious damage to a driver. Falls can occur from the cab, empty trailer and/or a load. Following are seven factors that can contribute to driver falls. #1 Lack of Current Safety Standards Not having specific requirements or any way to enforce them is a major issue. Many OSHA standards have not changed since they were created in 1970. Some refer to equipment that no longer exists and procedures that are now irrelevant. Even worse OSHA has no specific regulations covering fall protection

The RediRack Component System - Simplicity of Loading Rack Design

  If you work in a chemical plant, you may be aware of the risks chemical plants pose to employees and the bottom line of the company. Workers must encounter potentially dangerous chemicals to process the products. But managers also need to keep the materials coming in and the products moving out. In this case, a truck loading rack can prove to be an invaluable safety tool. If you are looking for an innovative way to safely transport materials, check out the RediRack from Carbis Solutions. Designing your ideal loading rack solution is often a challenging and tedious task. What types of vehicles will be loading or unloading there? Who will operate the equipment? What challenges exist at the site such as piping obstructions, traffic flow issues, and safety requirements? Before long even simple solutions can get overwhelming. That is why Sam Carbis Solutions Group designed RediRack. The RediRack Component System The RediRack System begins with a standard 4’ x 6’ pedestal supported p

The Redi Rack Component System - Benefitting Your Bottom Line

When it comes to shipping and receiving here in the US, workplace safety is of the utmost importance.  Continually improving the safety of the workplace ensures employees can safely and efficiently operate to the best of their abilities. Not only that, it improves speed and morale as well. One of the best ways to improve safety for your employees working at loading sites is to install a Redi Rack Loading Platform System to your work space. What is the Redi Rack System? Accessing the tops of trucks and rail cars can be a dangerous job if the right safety measures  haven't been taken. Slipping and falling from any height can result in irreparable harm and even death; that's why any and all safety measures must be taken. The Redi Rack Loading Platform System, from Sam Carbis Solutions Group, is in invaluable addition to any loading and unloading site. Top Benefits of a Redi Rack Loading Platform System: Safer work environment Easy access to the tops of trucks, rail cars, and liqu

Custom Designed Chemical Blending and Mixing Skids Increase Company Throughput

Chemical Blending and Mixing Skids allow your company’s operators to work safely around hazardous chemicals. Because all the machinery is contained on one skid with pipes working to blend and mix, workers are not exposed to toxins or other chemical hazards. Blending and mixing skids can be custom designed and constructed to meet a company’s unique needs and will include all the controls and accessories necessary to do the job. When blending and mixing chemicals, it is of the utmost importance to be accurate as well as safe. Automatic flow-rate measurements will ensure accuracy and help make an operator’s job easier. These skids are engineered to need less maintenance and service creating a longer, trouble-free life. Blending and mixing skids must meet all industry requirements, and be thoroughly tested and calibrated before being shipped. One delivery of all equipment helps avoid lost components and there’s much less down time for workers. Some points to address before skid design be

"Tracking" Gangways

Perfect for loading a variety of truck and rail car hatch configurations, tracking gangways are heavy-duty and maintenance-free making them an ideal part of your company's fall prevention plan. Gangways are an important part of a company’s fall prevention plan. They provide safety and efficiency when accessing trucks and rail cars. Gangways allow workers to walk safely from a loading platform across to the top of a tank truck or rail car. But what exactly is a tracking gangway and why would you need one? First of all, there are several types of gangways – flat ramp, telescoping and self-leveling staircase. There are also different gangway installation options including fold down, pivoting and tracking. Any of the above gangway models can be mounted on a track that will allow the gangway to roll from one horizontal location to another along the track. Tracking gangways are ideal for applications that take place along a horizontal range and require a variety of truck and hatch c

Key Safety Benefits of the Appropriate Truck Loading Rack for Chemical Companies

Your chemical plant is filled with potential threats to the safety of your employees and to your company’s bottom line. You need to keep materials coming in and products going out, while also protecting your workers. Do you have the equipment and solutions you need to accomplish these mandates? Learn three key benefits of installing an expertly designed and constructed truck loading rack.   Key Benefit #1: Protecting Your Workers From Unnecessary Risk It’s likely that most of the chemicals you move in or out of your facility are transported in tank trucks. While these trucks are the most efficient way to transport chemicals, they also pose some critical risks when it comes to loading and unloading . Getting your chemicals in and out of the trucks means accessing the hatches on the tops of the tank. Without proper fall protection solutions, drivers could easily fall off the tank. Even with a side access ladder, drivers are at risk of slipping and falling. Additionally, workers in

Platforms and Catwalks

Platforms and catwalks allow employees safe and easy access to critical areas involving height without restricting movement. When working at heights, safety on the job should always be a company's first priority. Outstanding fall prevention can include OSHA-compliant platforms and catwalks built with aluminum, steel or stainless steel making them able to withstand industrial use. These items add safety for employees working at heights. Catwalks and platforms are designed to safely access a workstation, monitor or service equipment. Both the platform and catwalk allow workers to walk about freely on a non-slip work surface and are protected from falls by mid and top guardrails. Catwalks and raised platforms can be customized to integrate with existing structures. Increase safety, save lives and lower costs simultaneously. Increased worker safety combined with better efficiency equals improved throughput for your company. Different job sites will have different requirements. Plat

Does Hydraulic Fracturing Poison America's Groundwater?

You might be surprised to know that America actually has large oil reserves trapped deep underground in non-porous shale rock. Until horizontal drilling and fracking came along these reserves could not be breached. The average fracking mixture is 99.5% water and sand. As you can probably imagine, water is used in copious amounts –from 65,000 gallons to 600,000 gallons. This may sound like a lot of water, but not when put into perspective. The amount of water used in fracking is smaller than the amount used in agriculture, manufacturing and municipal water supplies. In the process of hydraulic fracturing, different chemicals can be used for different functions. Some chemicals limit the growth of bacteria, while others are used to prevent corrosion. Other chemicals are added to make fracking more efficient and effective. A typical fracture treatment uses low concentrations of anywhere from three to twelve additive chemicals. The initial drilling is a vertical wellbore that extends f

Armed For Safety And Efficiency

Okay, you've purchased loading arms for your company so workers don't have to lug around heavy hoses causing injury and creating trip and fall hazards. But now what? In order to make the most of your new loading arms as far as efficiency and safety are concerned you may want to look at some accessories that can help. API Couplers API couplers make a safe connection between tank truck and loading arm. Using API couplers helps ensure the operation is secure before a worker starts the flow process. Safety features include assurance of a proper connection before the operation will begin. No disconnection will take place either if the valve is still open. This helps create a safer workplace and keeps the environment safe by preventing spills during connection and disconnection. API couplers can be used in the petrochemical industry when dry coupling is required. Constructed using aluminum alloy with hard coated surfaces in areas that are subject to wear. Viton® seals are easy to

Renewable Natural Gas

Biogas goes by several names including biomethane, digester gas, landfill gas or swamp gas. It doesn't sound appealing no matter what you call it. Biogas is the product of decomposition of organic matter without oxygen — a.k.a. anaerobic decomposition. Biogas is actually very versatile in that it can be used to provide electricity, heat, and fuel for vehicles. Once it’s processed to meet purity standards, biogas is labeled as renewable natural gas and can even be substituted for natural gas in natural gas vehicles. Biogas usually contains 50% to 80% methane and 20% to 50% carbon dioxide. There may be traces of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and nitrogen gases. To compare, conventional natural gas is usually more than 70% methane with the remainder being other hydrocarbons such as propane and butane. The use of biogas could help resolve two issues – our search for alternative fuels and disposal of landfill and other solid waste. Biogas is everywhere. Decomposing organic matter like a

Don't Let Them Fall!

Keeping your workers safe requires a proactive approach to fall protection. But figuring out the ideal solution to your safety challenges doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task . A comprehensive fall protection plan —that meets more stringent OSHA standards and helps keep workers safer—is attainable when tackled in phases and tailored to meet your specific needs. Creating a safer environment starts with assessing your current workplace safety. A few basic questions to ask include: Have your parameters changed since safety equipment was installed? Are workers trained on the latest safety and operating procedures? Does your safety plan meet OSHA safety standards? Is your equipment inspected annually? Because each worksite is unique—difficult terrains, special product handling or spotting requirements, varying traffic or loading patterns—it is important to fully understand what your current needs are and how best to address any potential risks or hazards. Creating a Safer Workpl